Taking a step backwards can be crucial for making progress in many areas of life. By going back to basics, re-evaluating your current approach, and gaining a new perspective, you can often find new insights and ideas that can help you move forward in a more effective way.
As a trainer I often find people may resist regression for a variety of reasons. One reason is that going back to basics may feel like a waste of time, especially if an individual or organization has already invested a significant amount of time and resources in their current approach. People may also feel like they are losing their gains or falling behind by taking a step back, rather than making progress.
There are several benefits to making a temporary regression in order to advance a skill. Some of these benefits include:
1: Improving technique: By going back to basics and revisiting proper technique, individuals can refine their abilities and improve overall performance. This can lead to better results and increased confidence in their abilities.
2: Building a stronger foundation: By focusing on the fundamentals, individuals can build a stronger foundation for their skills, which can make it easier to learn new techniques and progress in their field.
3: Identifying weaknesses: By taking a step back, individuals can identify areas where they need improvement, which can help them focus their efforts and make more effective progress.
4: Gaining a new perspective: By re-evaluating their current approach, individuals can gain a new perspective on the problem at hand, which can lead to new insights and ideas that can help them move forward in a more effective way.
5: Preventing burnout: Taking a step back and focusing on the basics can help prevent burnout. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of a skill or job, but by taking a step back, individuals can refresh their minds and come back stronger.
6: Developing discipline: By focusing on the basics, individuals can develop discipline and consistency in their practice, which can help them become more efficient and effective in their work.
We can see that the benefits of regression will often far outweigh the perceived sleight of the ego and the feelings of losing your current gains to refine a skill for your betterment.
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